MA 843 Topics in Analysis I (Autumn 2019)
- Lectures: Mon, Thu- 5:30 to 6:55 pm in Room 105
Informations about the course:
- Content:
C*-algebras and cp maps: positive
elements, Gelfand theory, continuous functional calculus, weak topologies, Predual, double commutant theorem,
Kaplansky density theorem, ideals, GNS construction, Hahn-Hellinger theorem,
positive maps, Stinespring theorem, Choi's theorem, Schur product.
1. W. Arveson: An Invitation to C*-algebras, Springer
2. J. B. Conway: A course in Operator Theory, American Mathematical
3. K. Davidson: C*-algebras by Examples, American Mathematical
4. R. V. Kadison, J. R. Ringrose: Fundamental of Theory of Operator
Algebras-I and II, Academic Press.
5. V. S. Sunder: Functional Analysis- Spectral Theory, TRIM, Hindustan
Book Agency.
6. V. Paulsen: Completely Bounded Maps and Operator Algebras, Cambridge Univ. Press.