Date & Time: Monday, April 21, 2014, 15:30-16:00.
Venue: IRCC Conference Room II, SOM-IRCC Building

Title: Orbit method and character sheaves on unipotent groups in positive characteristic

Speaker: Swarnendu Datta, Yale University

Abstract: Recently V. Drinfeld and M. Boyarchenko have developed the theory of character sheaves on unipotent groups over fields of positive characteristic. The character sheaves are defined using the notion of minimal idempotents in the equivariant derived category of the unipotent group. When the nilpotence class of the unipotent group is small, one can describe the minimal idempotents explicitly using the orbit method. Each minimal idempotent gives rise to a category of character sheaves, which upon suitable modification, forms a modular category. I shall try to describe a conjectural explicit description of this category, due to Drinfeld. Part of this conjecture has been verified in my preprint "Modular categories, orbit method and character sheaves on unipotent groups".