Date & Time: Wednesday, January 21, 2009, 15:00-16:00.
Venue: Ramanujan Hall

Title: Motivic Geometry of Feynman Amplitudes

Speaker: Abhijnan Rej, IIT Bombay

Abstract: Since the early nineties it has been known that Feynman amplitudes in perturbative quantum field theory systematically evaulate to multiple zeta values for a large class of the corresponding Feynman graphs. The most recent attempt to understand this phenomena revolves around studying periods of motives of certain projective varieties naturally associated to those amplitudes. In this talk, I will provide an overview of these developments for non-experts. Furthermore, I present some recent results (obtained with Marcolli) on periods of superprojectives varieties associated to Feynman graphs and the arithmetic consequence of this construction. Time-permitting I will also sketch my ongoing work regarding a new construction of a Lie algebra of mixed motives using Feynman graphs.