- Preliminary Course Information Main text will be Brezis' book.
- H. Brezis, Functional analysis, Sobolev spaces and Partial differential equations, (Springer, 2011).
- S. Kesavan, Topics in functional analysis and applications, (Wiley eastern, 1989).
- S. Salsa, Partial differential equations in action, (Springer, 2008).
Course information :
Spring, 2016
Class timings and Venue
day (14h and 17h05), day (17h05)
in room no.119873, Maths department.
Department of Mathematics
IIT Bombay
Mumbai, 400076, INDIA
IIT Bombay
Mumbai, 400076, INDIA
- (+91-22) 2576 7476 (Office)
- (+91-22) 2572 3480 (Fax)
210D, Mathematics Building
Lecture Notes
There will be no lecture notes for this course.
Tutorial Problems
They will be announced later.
Quizzes and Special classes
Dates will be announced later.