Syllabus and Text
- Course Information:
Text Book: V.S. Ryaben'kii, S.V. Tsynkov, A Theoretical Introduction to Numerical Analysis, Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2007. Indian edition is available.
- Link to corrections in Ryabenkii-Tsynkov's book (from Tsynkov's homepage)
Course information :
Spring, 2014
Class timings for MSc students
Monday (15h30), Thursday (15h30)
Slots are 9A, 9B
in Room no. LCT 12
Class timings for MTech students
Monday (14h), Thursday (14h)
Slots are 8A, 8B
in Room no. LCT 12
Department of Mathematics
IIT Bombay
Mumbai, 400076, INDIA
IIT Bombay
Mumbai, 400076, INDIA
- (+91-22) 2576 7476 (Office)
- (+91-22) 2572 3480 (Fax)
210D, Mathematics Building
Lecture Notes
There will be no lecture notes for this course as I will be following the text very closely. However, I will supply material for topics that I take outside the text.
You must pay attention to solving all exercises suggested in the class and in the assignments.