- Bloch wave homogenization of scalar elliptic operators Asymptotic analysis 39 (2004), 15-44 (with M. Vanninathan)
- Bloch wave homogenization of linear elasticity system, ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Caluculus of Variations 11 (2005), 542-573 (with M. Vanninathan)
- Intra-orbit separation of dense orbits of interval maps, Aeq. Math. 72 (2006), 89-99 (with G. Manjunath and G.V. Anand)
- Asymptotics for the voltage potential in a periodic network with localized defects, Math. methods. Appl. Sci. 10 (2008), 1175-1196 (with E. Bonnetier)
- Topology-based denoising of chaos Dynamical Systems, 24 (2009), 501-516 (with G. Manjunath and G.V. Anand)
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Under preparation