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[5:30pm] Liran Shaul, Charles University, Prague.
- Description:
- Speaker: Liran Shaul, Charles University, Prague.
Date/Time: 18 February 2022, 5:30pm IST/ 12:00pm GMT / 7:00am ET (joining
time 5:15pm IST).
Gmeet link: meet.google.com/osq-afmn-san
Title: Special classes of rings in derived commutative algebra.
Abstract: The classes of regular, Gorenstein and Cohen-Macaulay rings are
among the most important classes of rings in commutative algebra and
algebraic geometry. In this talk we recall the definitions and basic
properties of these classes, and then explain how to generalize each of
them to derived commutative algebra, in the context of commutative
differential graded algebras. We further explain how each of these
generalizations arise naturallyin various algebraic geometry contexts and
discuss some applications.
For more information and links to previous seminars, visit the website of
VCAS: https://sites.google.com/view/virtual-comm-algebra-seminar
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