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[11:00am] Sujeet Kumar Singh
- Description:
- Speaker Name: Sujeet Kumar Singh
Date- 6 June, 2022
Time- 11 AM--12 PM
Venue- Ramanujan Hall
Title - On the Fourier coefficients of automorphic forms
Abstract- Please see the attached pdf
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[12:10pm] Dr Ankit Rai
- Description:
- Speaker: Dr Ankit Rai
Date and Time: Monday June 6th at 12:10 pm
Title : Special values of Rankin-Selberg L-functions
Abstract : LLLLLLL-functions are certain meromorphic functions on the complex
plane possibly with poles which can be associated to large classes of
objects of interest such as number fields, Galois representations,
algebraic varieties and automorphic representations of reductive groups.
In 1979, Deligne made a precise conjecture on the transcendental part of
the value of LLLLLLL-function of a motive at certain integers(critical
points). Since then many mathematicians have worked towards understanding
Deligne's conjecture in motivic as well as automorphic context. In this
talk we will be focussing on the automorphic analogues of Deligne's
conjecture. We will survey results from the literature and if time permits
discuss proofs of some of the results.
GMeet link : https://meet.google.com/rue-peff-kdf
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