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[4:00pm] Luca Martinazzi: Sapienza University of Rome
- Description:
This is a reminder for the upcoming talk on Thursday 13 October.
Speaker: Luca Martinazzi (Sapienza University of Rome)
Time: October 13, Thursday, 4 pm (Indian Standard Time)
Title: Critical points of the Moser-Trudinger functional on closed surfaces
Abstract: Given a 2-dimensional closed surface, we will show that the
Moser-Trudinger functional has critical points of arbitrarily high energy.
Since the functional is too critical to directly apply to it the known
variational methods (in particular the Struwe monotonicity trick), we will
approximate it by subcritical ones, which in fact interpolate it to a
Liouville-type functional from conformal geometry. Hence our result will
also unify and give common results for these two apparently unrelated
problems. This is a joint work with F. De Marchis, A. Malchiodi and P-D.
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/cpu-tchr-nvu
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 240-812-1225‬ PIN: ‪262 484 324‬#
5:00pm |
[5:00pm] Prof. Nitin Nitsure
- Description:
Prof. Nitin Nitsure will continue his lecture series on
'Algebraic Stacks and Moduli Theory' tomorrow (13th Oct) at 5:00 pm. The
talk will be in Ramanujan Hall and of 75 minutes duration.
6:00pm |