Fri, November 11, 2022
Public Access

Category: All

November 2022
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10:00am [10:30am] Priyabrata Mandal: IIT Bombay
Title: Totally positive field extensions and pythagorean closures of
formally real fields.

Day-Date: 11th November 2022, Friday

Time: 10:30 am - 11:30 am

Venue: Room no 216, Department of Mathematics

Tiltle and Abstract:

12:00pm [12:30pm] Ramlal Debnath: IIT Bombay

Speaker: Ramlal Debnath
Title: Dilations of W-hypercontractions
Abstract: Attached with this email
Date and Time: Friday, November 11· 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Venue: Ramanujan Hall

2:00pm [2:30pm] Prof. Nitsure
 There is a change in timing of Prof. Nitsure's talk tomorrow (11th). He
will lecture at 2:30 pm in Ramanujan hall.

4:00pm [4:00pm] Mathematics Colloquium:Haruzo Hida: University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Mathematics Colloquium
Date: 11 Nov 2022, 4 pm.
Speaker: Haruzo Hida
University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Title: Background of modular p-adic deformation theory and a brief outline

Abstract: The deformation theory of modular forms is increasingly
attracting many researchers in arithmetic geometry as it has been an
important step in the proof of Fermat's last theorem by Wiles (and Taylor)
and supplied an effective tool for the study of the p-adic Birch and
Swinnerton Dyer conjecture in the proof by Skinner-Urban of divisibility of
the characteristic power series of the Selmer group of a rational elliptic
curve by its p-adic L-function under appropriate assumptions.  I try to
give my background motivation of creating the theory and describe an
outline of the theory.

5:00pm [5:30pm] Ramakrishna Nanduri, IIT Kharagpur
Virtual Commutative Algebra seminars

Speaker: Ramakrishna Nanduri, IIT Kharagpur
Date/Time: Friday 11 November 2022, 5:30pm

Gmeet link:


Title: On the regularity of (symbolic) Rees algebra and (symbolic) powers of edge & vertex cover ideals of graphs

Abstract:  In this talk, we discuss the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity (or regularity) of Rees algebras and symbolic Rees algebras of certain ideals associated with finite simple graphs and we give various combinatorial upper bounds. Also, we study the upper bounds for symbolic and ordinary powers of edge and vertex cover ideals of simple graphs.


For more information and links to previous seminars, visit the website of VCAS:

