Date and Time: Monday 02 December, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm.
Venue: Ramanujan Hall, Department of Mathematics.
Title: Universal optimality of the E8 and Leech lattices.
Abstract: We look at the problem of arranging points in Euclidean space in
order to minimize the potential energy of pairwise interactions. We show
that the E8 lattice and the Leech lattice are universally optimal in the
sense that they have the lowest energy for all potentials that are given
by completely monotone potentials of squared distance.
The proof uses a new kind of interpolation formula for Fourier
eigenfunctions, which is intimately related to the theory of modular
The talk is based on a joint work with Henry Cohn, Abhinav Kumar, Stephen
D. Miller, and Maryna Viazovska.
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Ramanujan Hall, Department of Mathematics
Mathematics Colloquium.
Speaker: Jean-Pierre Raymond.
Affiliation: Universite Paul Sabatier Toulouse, France.
Date and Time: Wednesday 04 December, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm.
Venue: Ramanujan Hall, Department of Mathematics.
Title: Analysis of 1D models describing blood flows in the brain.
Abstract: In this talk, we shall review models used to describe blood
flows in the human brain. We shall give new existence, uniqueness and
stability results for some of those models (work in collaboration with D.
Maity TIFR-CAM, Bangalore, and A. Roy, Inria-Lorraine).
We shall address the issue of estimating the pressure from blood flow
measurements, and of the auto regulation phenomenon, which is a natural
stabilisation process.
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Speaker: Ken Ono.
Affiliation: University of Virginia.
Date and Time: Friday, 06 December 2019, 4.00pm - 5.00pm.
Venue: A1A2, CDEEP.
Note: This is a web-cast through NKN of a lecture at TIFR at the same time.
Title: Why Does Ramanujan, “The Man Who Knew Infinity,” Matter?
Abstract: Srinivasa Ramanujan, one of the most inspirational figures in
the history of mathematics, was an amateur gifted mathematician from lush
south India who left behind three notebooks that engineers,
mathematicians, and physicists continue to mine today. Born in 1887,
Ramanujan was a two-time college dropout. He could have easily been lost
to the world, a thought that scientists cannot begin to absorb. He died
in 1920. Prof. Ono will explain why Ramanujan matters today and will
share several clips from the film, “The Man Who Knew Infinity,”
starring Dev Patel and Jeremy Irons. Professor Ono served as an associate
producer and mathematical consultant for the film.
About the Speaker:
Prof. Ken Ono is the Thomas Jefferson Professor of Mathematics at the
University of Virginia, the Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Mathematics
at Emory University and Vice President of the American Mathematical
Society. He is considered an expert in number theory. His contributions
include several monographs and more than 180 research and popular
articles in number theory, combinatorics and
algebra. He earned his Ph.D. from UCLA and has received many awards for
his research in number theory, including a Guggenheim Fellowship, a
Packard Fellowship and a Sloan Research Fellowship. He was awarded a
Presidential Career Award for Science and Engineering (PECASE) by Bill
Clinton in 2000 and was named a Distinguished Teaching Scholar by the
National Science Foundation in 2005. He is also a member of the US
National Committee for Mathematics and
the National Academy of Sciences. He was an associate producer of the film
“The Man Who Knew Infinity” based on the life of Indian mathematician
Srinivasa Ramanujan.
11:50am - 5:15pm
Ramanujan Hall, Department of Mathematics
Distinguished Lectures on Mathematics.
The speakers are
1. Prof. Alex Lubotzky, Einstein Institute of Mathematics, Israel.
2. Prof. C.S. Rajan, TIFR Mumbai.
3. Prof. Dinakar Ramakrishnan, California Institute of Mathematics, USA.
Date and Time: Thursday 12 December, 11:30 am - 5:15 pm.
Venue: Ramanujan Hall, Department of Mathematics.
Please see the poster using the following link for more details:
Date and Time: Friday 13 December, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm.
Venue: Ramanujan Hall, Department of Mathematics.
Title: Glimpses of KdV Equation and Soliton Theory - Contributions from
Observation, Physical & Numerical Experiments, and Pure & Applied
Solitons are solutions of a special class of nonlinear partial differential equations (soliton equations, the best example is the KdV equation). They are waves but behave like particles. The term
“soliton” combining the beginning of the word “solitary” with ending “on” means a concept of a
fundamental particle like “proton” or “electron”.
The events: (1) sighting, by chance, of a great wave of translation, “solitary wave”, in 1834 by ScottRussell, (2) derivation of KdV E by Korteweg de Vries in 1895, (3) observation of a very special type
of wave interactions in numerical experiments by Krushkal and Zabusky in 1965, (4) development
of the inverse scattering method for solving initial value problems by Gardener, Greene, Kruskal
and Miura in 1967, (5) formulation of a general theory in 1968 by P. D. Lax and (5) contributions
to deep theories starting from the work by R. Hirota (1971-74) and David Mumford (1978-79),
which also gave simple methods of solutions of soliton equations, led to the development of one of
most important areas of mathematics in 20th century.
This also led to a valuable application of solitons to physics, engineering and technology.
There are two aspects soliton theory arising out of KdV Equation
• Applied mathematics - analysis of nonlinear PDE leading to dynamics of waves.
• Pure mathematics - algebraic geometry.
It is surprising that each one of these can inform us of the other in the intersection that is soliton
theory, an outcome of KdV equation.
The subject too big but I shall try to give some glimpses (1) of the history, (2) of the inverse scattering method and (2) show that algorithm based on algebraic-geometric approach is much easier
to derive soliton solutions.
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Room 216, Department of Mathematics
Analysis seminar.
Speaker: Sudeshna Basu.
Affiliation: Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Educational and Research
Institute, Belur.
Date and Time: Monday 16 December, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm.
Venue: Room 216, Department of Mathematics.
Title: Linear Hahn Banach Extension of module homomorphisms in Hilbert
and Banach modules.
Abstract: The notion of linear Hahn-Banach extension operator was first
studied in detail by Heinrich and Mankiewicz (1982). Previously, J.
Lindenstrauss (1966) studied similar versions of this notion in the
context of non separable reflexive Banach spaces. Subsequently, Sims and
Yost (1989) proved the existence of linear Hahn-Banach extension operators
via interspersing subspaces in a purely Banach space theoretic set up. In
this paper, we study similar questions in the context of Banach modules
and module homomorphisms, in particular, Banach algebras of operators on
Banach spaces. Based on Dales, Kania, Kochanek, Kozmider and
Laustsen(2013), and also Kania and Laustsen (2017), we give complete
answers for reflexive Banach spaces and the non-reflexive space
constructed by Kania and Laustsen from the celebrated Argyros-Haydon's
space with few operators.
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Room 216, Department of Mathematics
Mathematics Colloquium.
Speaker: Hossein Movasati.
Affiliation: IMPA, Rio de Janeiro.
Date and Time: Wednesday 18 December, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm.
Venue: Room 216, Department of Mathematics.
Title: Ramanujan's relations between Eisenstein series.
Abstract: In 1916 S. Ramanujan discovered three identities involving the
Eisenstein series $E_2,E_4,E_6$ and their derivatives. This can be seen as
a vector field in the moduli space of an elliptic curve $E$ enhanced with
a certain frame of the de Rham cohomology of $E$. For this one needs
algebraic de Rham cohomology, cup product and Hodge filtration developed
by Grothendieck and Deligne among many others. Viewed in this way,
Ramanujan's differential equation can be generalized to an arbitrary
projective variety. If time permits I will explain two generalizations of
this picture in the case of Abelian varieties and Calabi-Yau threefolds.
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Ramanujan Hall, Department of Mathematics.
Popular Talk.
Speaker: M. Ram Murty.
Affiliation: Queen's University.
Date and Time: Monday 30 December, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm.
Venue: Ramanujan Hall, Department of Mathematics.
Title: The Art of Research.
Abstract: We will present several methods of doing research in mathematics
and science and illustrate them through concrete examples. The talk is
aimed at a general scientific audience
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Ramanujan Hall, Department of Mathematics
Mathematics Colloquium.
Speaker: M. Ram Murty.
Affiliation: Queen's University.
Date and Time: Tuesday 31 December, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm.
Venue: Ramanujan Hall, Department of Mathematics.
Title: The central limit theorem.
Abstract: The central limit theorem is considered perhaps the most
influential theorem of mathematics in the 20th century. It has had
significant applications both within mathematics and beyond, energizing
literally every other field outside such as medicine, economics and even
political theory. After a short history of the evolution of the central
limit theorem, we will describe its impact in algebra and number theory
and discuss some new applications. The talk will be accessible to a
general mathematical audience.