September 2024
Public Access Category: All |
1. Number Theory Seminar.
Speaker: Aditi Savalia (IIT Bombay)
Title: Spectral theory of automorphic forms
Time, Day and Date: 11:30 a.m., Monday, September 2
Venue: Room 215, Department of Mathematics
Abstract: We'll discuss Sections 1.5 and 1.6 of Iwaniec's Topics in Classical Automorphic Forms.
2. Commutative Algebra Seminar.
Speaker: R. V. Gurjar (TIFR Mumbai (retired))
Title: Local Analytic Geometry
Time, Day and Date: 12:30 p.m., Tuesday, September 3
Venue: Room 215, Department of Mathematics
LAG is mainly local study of complex analytic varieties. So it is useful for understanding algebraic varieties in a small Euclidean neighborhood of a point. Some part of the theory is just local algebra, particulaly local analytic rings. The theory is quite non-trivial and rich because of results of Cartan, Hamm, Hironaka, Milnor, Mumford, Oka, Remmert, Scheja, Stein, Thullen, Le dung Trang, Whitney,....It is important for singularity theory, from analytic, geometric, and topological viewpoints. No sheaf cohomology is used.
3. Harmonic Analysis Seminar.
Speaker: Iswarya Sitiraju (Louisiana State University)
Time, Day and Date: 10:30 a.m., Wednesday, September 4
Venue: Online (Zoom):
Abstract: In this work, we determine the wavefront set of certain eigendistributions of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on the de Sitter space. Let G' = {O}_{1,n}(R) be the Lorentz group, and let H' = {O}_{1,n-1}(R) ' be its subset. The de Sitter space dS^n is a one-sheeted hyperboloid in R^{1+n} isomorphic to G'/H'. A {\it spherical distribution} is an H'-invariant eigendistribution of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on dS^n. The space of spherical distributions on the de Sitter space with eigenvalue \lambda, denoted by {D}'_{\lambda}, has dimension 2. We construct a basis for the space of positive-definite spherical distributions as boundary values of sesquiholomorphic kernels on the crown domains, which are open complex domains in dS^n_{C} containing dS^n on the boundary.
We then characterize the analytic wavefront set for such distributions.
4. Number Theory Seminar.
Speakers: Aditi Savalia
Title: Spectral Theory of Automorphic Forms
Time, Day and Date: 11:30 a.m., Wednesday, September 4
Venue: Room 215, Department of Mathematics
Title: Operads and Infinite loop space theory
Time, Day and Date: 11:30 a.m, Wednesday 4th September 2024.
Venue: Ramanujan hall
Host: Rekha Santhanam
Speaker: Sahin Mandal
This is the second talk in the series of talks on Opera’s and Infinite
loop space theory. In this talk we will see the definition of operads and
various examples.
Speaker: Ayan Bhattacharya (IIT Bombay)
Title: Persistence of heavy-tailed sample averages: principle of infinitely many big jumps
Time, Day and Date: 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, September 4
Venue: Ramanujan Hall, Department of Mathematics
6. Analysis Seminar:
Speaker: Utsav Dewan (ISI Kolkata)
Title: Boundary exceptional sets for radial limits of positive superharmonic functions on Harmonic manifolds
Time, Day and Date: 4:00 p.m., Thursday, September 5
Venue: Ramanujan Hall, Department of Mathematics
Abstract: By classical Fatou (resp. Littlewood) type theorems in various setups, it is well-known that positive harmonic (resp. superharmonic) functions have non-tangential (resp. radial) limits at almost every point on the boundary. In this talk, in the setting of non-positively curved Harmonic manifolds of purely exponential volume growth, we will see some size estimates of the exceptional sets of points on the boundary at infinity, where a suitable function blows up faster than a prescribed growth rate, along radial geodesic rays, in terms of its Hausdorff dimension or Hausdorff outer measure.
Complex Algebraic Surfaces Seminar:
Speaker: Ronnie Sebastian (IIT Bombay)
Title: Birational maps
Time, Day and Date: 3:30 p.m., Thursday, September 6
Venue: Room 114, Department of Mathematics
Abstract: We will continue with Chapter 2 in Beauville's book.
1. Number Theory seminar
Time, Day, Date : 11:30 am, Monday 9th Sept
Venue : Room 215
Speaker : Suraj Panigrahy
Title : Tate's thesis learning seminar
Abstract : We will discuss section 1.8 from the book of Goldfeld--Hundley.
We prove an adelic Poisson summation formula.
2. Online IPDF Seminar (Statistic)
Time, Day and Date : 4:00 pm, Monday 9th Sept
Joining link :
Speaker: Ritik Soni
Affiliation: Central University of Punjab
Title : On some fractional stochastic processes
3. Local Analytic Geometry (Commutative algebra seminar)
Time, Day, Date: 12:30 pm, Tuesday 10th Sept
Speaker: R.V. Gurjar
Venue: Room 215
Title: Local Analytic Geometry
Abstract: Same as last week
4. Number Theory Seminar
Day, Date and Time : Wednesday, 11th September at 11:30 am
Venue: Room 215
Speaker: Aditi Savalia
Title: Spectral theory of automorphic forms
Abstract : We'll discuss Sections 2.1 and 2.2 of Iwaniec's '' Topics in
Classical Automorphic Forms."
5. Pre-Synopsis of Parvez Rasul (Hybrid mode)
Time, Day and Date : 3:30 pm, Wednesday, 11th September
Venue : Ramanujan Hall
Online link :
Title: Irreducibility of nested Hilbert and Quot schemes
Abstract : We will begin with a survey of known results on nested Hilbert
Schemes of smooth projective surfaces and Quot schemes on curves. After
this we will mention some new results related to these, which are part of
the thesis of the speaker. If time permits, we will illustrate some of the
ideas which go into the proofs.
6. Complex Algebraic Surfaces
Day, Date and Time : Thursday 12th Sept, 3:30 pm
Venue: Room 114
Speaker : Ronnie Sebastian
Title: Birational maps
Abstract : We will continue with Chapter 2 of Beauville's book.
7. Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Day, Date and Time: Friday 13th Sept, 2:00 pm
Venue : Room 215
Speaker: Kaushik Khamari
Title : Reducibility of Hilbert Schemes
Abstract : In this second talk, we will explain Iarrobino's proof of the
reducibility of Hilbert schemes.