Analysis Seminar
Friday, 10/03/2023, 4 pm
Venue: Ramanujan Hall
Host: Sanjoy Pusti
Speaker: Chandan Biswas
Affiliation: IISc, Bangalore
Title: A gentle introduction to Fourier restriction inequalities
Abstract: Initiated by Elias Stein in late 1960’s the Fourier restriction conjecture has played a central part in the development of modern harmonic analysis. Despite continuous progress over the last five decades, currently this remains out of reach in dimensions bigger than two. To get a better sense of restriction inequalities, we consider Fourier restriction estimates onto curves $\gamma : \R \to \Rd$. Even in this well-explored setting, there are many basic questions that remain open such as the question of existence of maximizers for such inequalities. This talk will be a gentle introduction to such questions and some recent progress on these. This is based on our recent works with Betsy Stovall (at University of Wisconsin Madison).