Anugu Sumith Reddy, Rice University


Speaker : Dr. Anugu Sumith Reddy,

          Post Doctoral Fellow, Rice University

Date and Time : Monday, 19th August, 11.00 am- 12.00 noon

Venue: Ramanujan Hall


Title: Ergodic risk sensitive control of diffusions under a general

structural hypothesis


Abstract: In this talk, we present the ergodic (infinite horizon) risk

sensitive control (ERSC) problem for diffusion processes under a general

hypothesis that is 'in between' the conditions of uniform stability and

near-monotonicity. This problem can be studied as a limit of a family of

perturbed ERSC problems with inf-compact running cost. Because of the

exponential nature of the cost function, limiting procedure is

challenging. We discuss how we overcome this challenge. This involves

exploiting a well-known variational representation of exponential

functionals of Brownian motion and applying it to the objective

exponential cost function of the controlled diffusion. This representation

facilitates us to view the risk sensitive cost for any stationary Markov

control as the optimal value of a control problem of an extended diffusion

involving a new auxiliary control where the optimal criterion is to

maximize the associated long-run average cost criterion that is a

difference of the original running cost and an extra term that is

quadratic in the auxiliary control. The main difficulty in using this

approach lies in the fact that tightness of mean empirical measures of

the extended diffusion is not a priori implied by the analogous tightness

property of the original diffusion. We will discuss how to overcome this

by establishing a priori estimates for the extended diffusion associated

with the nearly optimal auxiliary controls. Finally, we present the

relevant results on characterization of optimal va

lue and optimal


Ramanujan Hall, Department of Mathematics
Mon, August 19, 2024
Start Time
11:00am-12:00pm IST
1 hour
Created by
Mon, August 19, 2024 12:41pm IST