Commutative algebra seminar
Speaker: Sara Faridi, Dalhousie University
Day: Saturday, 17th February.
Time: 04:00 - 05:00 p.m.,
Venue: Ramanujan Hall
Title: Monomial Ideals with Linear Resolution
This talk is about various generalizations that have been made of
the concept of a chordal graph to hypergraphs and simplicial
complexes, with a view toward generalizing a theorem of Froeberg
in 1990 which characterized ideals generated by degree 2
monomials with linear resolution in terms of chordal graphs.
Some of the higher dimensional counterparts of chordal graphs are
constructed from a topological point of view, and some from a
purely combinatorial one.
We will discuss older and newer work in this area, based partly
on joint work with Emma Connon and recent work with Mina Bigdeli.