Mathematics Colloquium Talk III.
Speaker: Omprokash Das.
Affiliation: TIFR, Mumbai.
Date and Time: Wednesday 25 September, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm.
Venue: Ramanujan Hall, Department of Mathematics.
Title: Birational classification of algebraic varieties.
Abstract: Algebraic varieties are common solutions of bunch of
multi-variable polynomials equations, for example, straight line, circle,
cuspidal curve, nodal curve, sphere, etc. Classifying all algebraic
varieties up to isomorphism is the ultimate goal of algebraic geometry. Of
course, this is nearly impossible achieve, so we consider various weaker
form of classification, and classifying varieties ‘Birationally’ is of
those tools. In this talk I will explain what it means to classify
varieties birationally, what are the difficulties in higher dimensions and
the role of Minimal Model Program (MMP) in birational classification.