Speaker: Graham Leuschke, Syracuse University, New York, USA.
Date/Time: 12 February 2021, 6:30pm IST/ 1:00pm GMT/ 8:00am EST (joining
time: 6:15 pm IST - 6:30 pm IST).
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Title: Matrix Factorizations and Knörrer Periodicity.
Abstract: A matrix factorization of a ring element $f$ is a pair of square
matrices so that the product (in either order) is diagonal with $f$ in
each diagonal entry. These were introduced by Eisenbud in 1980. When the
ring is regular, matrix factorizations of $f$ correspond to maximal
Cohen-Macaulay modules over the hypersurface defined by $f$. This talk
will give an overview of the theory of matrix factorizations, ending with
some recent generalizations to factorizations by more than two matrices.
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