Title: Mixed multiplicities of ideals (Lectures II )
Abstract: The concept of Hilbert-Samuel polynomial for an m-primary ideal
was extended for two m-primary ideals by P. B. Bhattacharya. In other
words, the function l(R/I^rJ^s) is given by a polynomial for r, s large.
The coefficients appearing in the highest total degree terms in the
polynomial are called the mixed multiplicities. These were investigated by
B. Teissier (and J. J. Risler) in his Cargese paper.
In a series of two talks, we will look at some properties of mixed
multiplicities, using superficial elements. These talks aim to cover the
preliminaries required for reading the paper 'A generalization of an
inequality of Lech relating multiplicity and colength' by C. Huneke, I.
Smirnov and J. Validashti.
Room No.215
CACAAG seminar.
Speaker: Madhusudan Manjunath
Time & Date: 5pm Tuesday, September 04.
Venue: Room 215
Title: Triangulations of the Root Polytopes.
Abstract: The root polytope associated to a subgraph of the complete
bipartite graph generalizes the Cartesian product of two simplices.
Triangulations of such polytopes is a well studied topic with connections
to algebraic geometry and computational algebra. We discuss recent work in
characterizing these triangulations.
The talk will not assume any background beyond linear algebra.
Speaker: Kriti Goel
Title: Mixed multiplicities of ideals (Lectures III )
Abstract: The concept of Hilbert-Samuel polynomial for an m-primary ideal
was extended for two m-primary ideals by P. B. Bhattacharya. In other
words, the function l(R/I^rJ^s) is given by a polynomial for r, s large.
The coefficients appearing in the highest total degree terms in the
polynomial are called the mixed multiplicities. These were investigated by
B. Teissier (and J. J. Risler) in his Cargese paper.
In a series of two talks, we will look at some properties of mixed
multiplicities, using superficial elements. These talks aim to cover the
preliminaries required for reading the paper 'A generalization of an
inequality of Lech relating multiplicity and colength' by C. Huneke, I.
Smirnov and J. Validashti.
Ramanujan Hall
Prof. A.J. Parameswaran from TIFR, Mumbai will give a seminar this
Friday at 4:00 pm in Ramanujan Hall.
Title: Topology by Bundles.
Abstract: Beginning with Wyle's theorem that a bundle induced by the
Universal cover is finite (satisfies a polynomial) and its converse by
Nori that finite/essentially finite bundles are induced from
"coverings/finite principal bundles". We will revisit the etale
fundamental group of Grothendieck and the fundamental group scheme by
Later we will glance through other associated group constructions using
Tannakian techniques using bundles.