Date and Time: Monday 04 November, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm.
Venue: Room 215, Department of Mathematics.
Title: Module of Kahler Differentials, smooth morphisms, Cohen Structure
(During the week 03 Nov – 08 Nov, 2019) We continue to study smooth morphisms. The
purpose of these two lectures is :
(1) Definitions and Basic properties of the Module of Käher differentials.
(2) Prove a criterion for when a quotient of a formally smooth algebra is again formally
(3) Prove a characterisation of when a morphism is smooth called the J a c o b i a n c r i -
t e r i o n.
This is a preparation for the proof of Cohen’s structure theorem for complete local rings in
the inequicharacteritic case.
Room 215, Department of Mathematics
Geometry and Topology seminar.
Speaker: Saurav Bhaumik.
Affiliation: IIT Bombay.
Date and Time: Monday 04 November, 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm.
Venue: Room 215, Department of Mathematics.
Title: Higgs bundles and the Hitchin fibration.
Abstract: We will introduce Higgs bundles on curves, discuss the Hitchin
fibration and its fibers in terms of spectral curves.
Room 215, Department of Mathematics
Commutative Algebra seminar II.
Speaker: Tony Puthenpurakal.
Affiliation: IIT Bombay.
Date and Time: Thursday 07 November, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm.
Venue: Room 215, Department of Mathematics.
Title: An application of triangulated categories to linkage of ideals.
Abstract: We define and give elementary properties of triangulated
categories. We also give an application of triangulated categories to
linkage theory in commutative algebra.
Room 215, Department of Mathematics
Commutative Algebra seminar III.
Speaker: Dilip Patil.
Affiliation: IISc Bengaluru.
Date and Time: Friday 08 November, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm.
Venue: Room 215, Department of Mathematics.
Title: Module of Kahler Differentials, smooth morphisms, Cohen Structure
(During the week 03 Nov – 08 Nov, 2019) We continue to study smooth morphisms. The
purpose of these two lectures is :
(1) Definitions and Basic properties of the Module of Käher differentials.
(2) Prove a criterion for when a quotient of a formally smooth algebra is again formally
(3) Prove a characterisation of when a morphism is smooth called the J a c o b i a n c r i -
t e r i o n.
This is a preparation for the proof of Cohen’s structure theorem for complete local rings in
the inequicharacteritic case.