Time: Monday 17th August 4 to 5pm (joining time 3.50pm)
Google Meet Link: https://meet.google.com/wnf-ywcy-ozi
Title: Stability conditions on K3 surfaces
Abstract: This is the first of two expository talks on stability
conditions. We give a leisurely introduction to Bridgeland stability
conditions, followed by a description of the space of stability conditions
on a K3 surface. An application to calculating the group of
autoequivalences of a K3 surface is outlined. The talk is based on a paper
of Bridgeland of the same title.
Date and Time: 18 August 2020, 5:30 pm IST - 6:30 pm IST (joining time :
5:15 pm IST - 5:30 pm IST)
Google Meet link: https://meet.google.com/krh-mgar-qip
Speaker: Pham Hung Quy, FPT University, Hanoi
Title: Frobenius closure of parameter ideals
Abstract: We discuss recent results about Frobenius closure of parameter
ideals and $F$-singularities as well as the Frobenius test exponent of
parameter ideals.
Date and Time: 21 August 2020, 5:30 pm IST - 6:30 pm IST (joining time :
5:15 pm IST - 5:30 pm IST)
Google Meet link: https://meet.google.com/uuk-zzum-czm
Speaker: Arindam Banerjee, RKM Vivekananda Institute, Belur
Title: Lyubeznik numbers
Abstract: Lyubeznik numbers are certain Bass numbers of local cohomology
modules associated with local rings containing a field. These numerical
invariants are known to have many interesting homological, geometric, and
topological properties and have been an active area of research. In this
talk, we plan to give a brief overview of these.