Thu, October 24, 2019
Public Access

Category: All

October 2019
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11:00am [11:45am] Amit Kumar Singh: IIT Madras
Speaker: Amit Kumar Singh. Affiliation: IIT Madras. Date and Time: Thursday 24 October, 11:45 am - 12:45 pm. Venue: Ramanujan Hall, Department of Mathematics. Title: Semi-stability of certain vector bundles on elliptic curves. Abstract: Abstract Let L be a line bundle of degree d on an elliptic curve C and ϕ : C → P n is a morphism given by a sub-linear system of the complete linear system |L| of dimension n + 1. When d = 4, n = 2, we prove that ϕ ∗TPn is semi-stable if deg(ϕ(C)) > 1. Moreover, we prove that ϕ ∗TPn is isomorphic to direct sum of two isomorphic line bundles if and only if deg(ϕ(C)) = 2. Conversely, for any rank two semi-stable vector bundle E on an elliptic curve C of degree 4, there is a non-degenerate morphism ϕ :C → P n such that ϕ ∗TPn (−1) = E. More precisely, E is isomorphic to direct sum of two isomorphic line bundles if and only if deg(ϕ(C)) = 2. Further E is either indecomposable or direct sum of non-isomorphic line bundles if and only if deg(ϕ(C)) = 4. When d = 5, n = 3, we compute the Harder-Narasimhan filtration of ϕ ∗TPn .

3:00pm [3:30pm] Tony J. Puthenpurakal
Commutative Algebra seminar II. Speaker: Tony Puthenpurakal. Affiliation: IIT Bombay. Date and Time: Thursday 24 October, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm. Venue: Room 215, Department of Mathematics. Title: Triangulated categories-I,II,III. Abstract: We define and give elementary properties of triangulated categories. We also give an application of triangulated categories to linkage theory in commutative algebra.
