Thu, October 12, 2023
Public Access

Category: All

October 2023
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11:00am [11:30am] V. Srinivas, IIT Bombay

Lecture series on Hodge Theory

Thursday, 12 Oct. 11.30-1.00


Venue: Ramanujan Hall

Host: Sudarshan Gurjar

Title: Kahler condition and its consequences
Abstract: These are part of an ongoing series of lectures on the basics of Hodge theory. We will discuss the Kahler condition, and its consequences (Kahler identities, etc.).

2:00pm [2:30pm] Omkar Javadekar, IIT Bombay

Topology and Related Topics Seminar

Thursday, 12  October  2023, 2:30 pm


Venue: 215

Host: Rekha Santhanam

Speaker:  Omkar Javadekar

Affiliation: IIT Bombay

Title: A review of derived category and related topics 


Abstract: In this talk, we will see the construction of localization of a category with respect to an arbitrary class of morphisms, and define the derived category using localization. We will sketch the proof of the fact that the homotopy and derived categories are triangulated. Along the way, we will also try to revise the example of projective model structure on the category Ch(R) of chain complexes of modules over a ring R. We will then define the notion of support for objects of the derived category D(R), and end by stating the theorem of Hopkins-Neeman for small R-complexes.

3:00pm [3:30pm] J. K. Verma, IIT Bombay

Commutative Algebra Seminar

Thursday, 12 Oct. 3.30-5.00 pm


Venue: Room 215

Host: Tony Puthenpurakal

Speaker: J. K. Verma, IIT Bombay

Title: Introduction to local cohomology

Abstract: I will discuss various ways of computing local cohomology modules and describe their basic properties needed for the proof of Grothendieck-Serre formula for the Hilbert function of a graded module over a graded algebra.

5:00pm [5:15pm] Chandan Biswas, IIT Bombay

Analysis Seminar

Thursday, 12th Oct, 5:15 pm - 6:15 pm


Venue : Ramanujan Hall
Host : Chandan Biswas

Speaker : Chandan Biswas, IIT Bombay

Title: A basic introduction to Fourier restriction estimates
Abstract: This is the second talk of the series. We will finish our discussion on Hausdorff-Young inequality.
