Niranjan Balachandran
Research Interests: Combinatorics. My current research interests include Extremal Combinatorics, Probabilistic methods, and Design theory. I have more recently become very interested in the applications of Probabilistic methods in Combinatorics especially in Graph-theoretic applications such as coloring problems.

Lecture Notes: 1. The Probabilistic Method in Combinatorics
                          2. Real Mathematical Analysis
These are based on lectures I gave for 2 different courses and had the students act as scribes. They still need some polishing.

Some interesting websites:
The Papers of Paul Erdős: The Renyi Institute seems to be doing a great service to all Combinatorists by having an online repository of all (well, not all!) the papers of Paul Erdős. As far as I see, the list looks pretty comprehensive till 1989. 
Douglas West' Open Problem Page.
How to give a talk: I saw this link on the homepage of Paul Nevái; I have tried to find the original article but all the links I have found online seem dead or lead elsewhere. This is apparently based on a talk delivered by Gian-Carlo Rota on the occasion of the Rotafest in April, 1996.

My Favorite 5 (In alphabetical Order):
Noga Alon Tim Gowers Laszlo Lovasz  Benny Sudakov   Terrence Tao

Other Links:

Other (Non-mathematical) Interests:
: I have now moved samples of my work here
My Blog: I wrote more regularly at one point of time. Some of them were just random rants/musings. But some of them were written purely for form and structure rather than content.