Honours, Awards and Grants
- Silver Medal for the best performance in Mathematics, Master of Science,
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay,
- TWAS Research Grant Award of US $ 2,500 for a one year project on
Computational Methods in Algebraic Geometry and Combinatorics,
World Academy of Sciences, Trieste, Italy, November 1993.
- Research Fellowship from the
Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique of France and
travel grant from the
National Board for Higher Mathematics
of India for a month's visit to the
Institut de Mathématiques de Luminy,
Marseille, June 1996.
- A grant
from the Curriculum Development Programme (CDP),
IIT Bombay, for the Preparation of Course Material for Computer aided
instruction of the B.Tech. course MA 103 : Mathematics I, November 1997
[jointly with Prof. B. V. Limaye].
- AICTE Career Award for Young Teachers, All
India Council for Technical Education,
New Delhi, January 1998.
[This award entails a payment to IIT Bombay by
the AICTE of my entire salary for 3 years starting March 1998
so as to enable me to
"devote maximum time to research and study with minimal teaching
responsibilities ", and, in addition, a provision of a research grant of
Rs. 2,00,000.]
- IMU Travel Grant for "Young Research Mathematicians from a
Developing Country"
from the
International Mathematical Union
and a special grant
(along with a waiver of the Registration Fees)
from the
German Mathematical Society, for participation in the
Congress of Mathematicians (ICM-98), Berlin, Germany, August 1998.
- A grant
from the Curriculum Development Programme (CDP),
IIT Bombay, for the preparation of a book entitled `A First Course in
Calculus and Analysis', September 2000. [jointly with Prof. B. V. Limaye].
Grant for Local Expenses from the Chinese
Mathematical Society (along with a waiver of the Registration Fees) and a
Travel Grant from the
National Board for Higher Mathematics
of India for participation in the
International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM-2002), Beijing, China, August 2002.
Otto Mønsted Professorship in the Department of Mathematics at the Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark, May--July 2010.
- Elected Fellow, National Academy of Sciences, India , October 2010.
DST-RFBR Grant of Rs. 17,40,000 (plus 12,00,000 Russian Roubles for the Co-PI Prof. M. A. Tsfasman from Russia) for the Indo-Russian project
"Algebraic varieties over finite fields and linear error correcting codes",
Dept. of Science and Technology (Govt. of India) and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Govt. of Russian Federation), 2012-2014.
- IIT Bombay Research Paper Award for the year 2011 (for the
paper with G.
Lachaud), IRCC IIT Bombay, September 2012. (See here,
and here for more details.)
[Citation] [Photo] [Slides of a relevant talk]
- Prof. S.C. Bhattacharya Award for Excellence in Pure Sciences,
IIT Bombay, March 2014.
(See here
and here for more details).
[Citation] [Photo: 1, 2] [Slides of a relevant talk]
NANUM 2014 Travel Grant on 12,00,000 Korean Wan from the Korea Institute for Advanced Study for participation in the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM-2014)
to be held at Seoul, Korea during August 2014.
Twenty Fifth V. Ramaswamy Aiyer Memorial Award Lecture,
80th Annual Conference of the Indian Mathematical Society, Dhanbad, December 2014.
Platinum Jubilee Lecture in the Section of Mathematical Sciences (including
102nd Indian Science Congress,
University of Mumbai, January 2015.
27th Ramanujan
Endowment Lecture, Anna University, Chennai, March 2016.
Plenary Lecture,
Asian Mathematical Conference, Bali,
Indonesia, July 2016.
Elected President, the Indian Mathematical Society, April 2018--March 2019.
DST-RCN grant of Rs. 21, 28,500 for an Indo-Norwegian research project with Prof. Trygve Johnsen of the Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Dept. of Science and Technology (Govt. of India) and the Research Council of Norway, 2018-2021.
SERB MATRICS grant of Rs. 6.60,000 for the research project "Maximum Number of Zeros of Polynomial
Systems over Finite Fields with Applications to Coding Theory", from Mathematical Research Impact-Centric Support Scheme of the Science and Engineering Research Board, Govt. of India, 2019-2022.
Plenary Speaker, 14th Nordic Combinatorial Conferenca (NORCOM-2022), Tromsø, Norway, June 2022.
- Elected Fellow, Indian National Science Academy, October 2010.
Featured in a Marathi book Adhunik Bharatiya Ganitee (meaning Contemporary Indian Mathematicians),
authored by Prof. S. P. Deshpande and published by
Nachiket Prakashan,
Nagpur at a ceremony
held at Ruia College,
Mumbai on 18th June 2011.
Some excerpts from this book are here in PDF format.
Featured in the November 2014 issue of Knowledge Tree that carried
an interview taken by some students working for this newsletter produced by the office of Dean (ACR), IIT Bombay.
Featured in the January 2018 issue of Empowering Times that carried an interview.
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