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[5:30pm] Krishna Hanumanthu, Chennai Mathematical Institute, Chennai, India.
- Description:
- Speaker: Krishna Hanumanthu, Chennai Mathematical Institute, Chennai, India.
Date/Time: 8 October 2021, 5:30pm IST/ 12:00pm GMT / 8:00am EDT (joining
time 5:15pm IST).
Gmeet link: meet.google.com/gir-ohpw-ymu
Title: Seshadri constants.
Abstract: Seshadri constants of line bundles on projective varieties were
defined by J-P. Demailly in 1990, motivated by an ampleness criterion of
C. S. Seshadri. They are a measure of local positivity of line bundles
and have interesting connections to different areas in mathematics. We
will discuss some important questions that drive research on Seshadri
constants. We will also discuss their relationship with Waldschmidt
constants which are invariants attached to homogeneous ideals in
polynomial rings.
For more information and links to previous seminars, visit the website of
VCAS: https://sites.google.com/view/virtual-comm-algebra-seminar
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