Abstract: Let (A,m) be a Noetherian local ring with depth(A) > 1, I an
m-primary ideal, M a finitely generated A-module of dimension r, and G_n,
the associated graded module of M with respect to I^n. We will discuss a
necessary and sufficient condition for depth (G_n) > 1 for all
sufficiently large. This talk is based on a paper by Tony Joseph
Puthenpurakal (Ratliff-Rush filtration, regularity and depth of higher
associated graded modules: Part I )
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Ramanujan Hall
Title: Parabolic bundles in positive characteristic.
Abstract: In this talk algebraic parabolic bundles on smooth projective
curves over algebraically closed field of positive characteristic is
defined. We will show that the category of algebraic parabolic bundles is
equivalent to the category of orbifold bundles defined in. Tensor, dual,
pullback and pushforward operations are also defined for parabolic
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Ramanujan Hall
Mathematics Colloquium
Title: Brauer-Thrall Conjectures and Commutative Algebra
Abstract: Brauer-Thrall conjectures for representation theory of Artin algebra's
was proved many years ago (in 1968). However the techniques invented by Auslander to prove this conjecture has found more applications than just proving
the original conjectures. These techniques have been extended in commutative algebra to study Maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules over Cohen-Macaulay isolated singularities. I will also discuss a result of mine in this direction.
Speaker: Victoria Hoskins from Freie University Berlin.
Title : Stratifications in moduli theory
Many moduli spaces in algebraic geometry are constructed as quotients of algebraic varieties by a reductive group action using geometric invariant theory. In this talk we explain two such examples: moduli of coherent sheaves on a projective variety and moduli of quiver representations. In both cases, we introduce and compare two stratifications: a Harder-Narasimhan stratification associated to the notion of stability for the moduli problem and a stratification coming from the geometric invariant theory construction. In nice cases, these stratifications can be used to give recursive formulas for the Betti numbers of the moduli spaces.
Abstract: When can the rows and columns of a non-negative square
matrix be scaled so that it becomes doubly stochastic? In 1964,
Sinkhorn proposed and analyzed a natural iterative procedure that
produces such a scaling when possible. In this talk, we will see this
procedure and see some algorithmic and (if time permits) combinatorial
2:30pm - 4:00pm
Room 113
The h-cobordism theorem -1
Abstract: I will outline a proof of the h-cobordism theorem in these two lectures
2:30pm - 3:30pm
Room No. 216
The h-cobordism theorem -1
Abstract: I will outline a proof of the h-cobordism theorem in these two lectures
11:00am - 12:00pm
Ramanujan Hall
Title: Spanning trees of the hypercube
Abstract: We will give a combinatorial proof of a product formula for the
number of spanning trees of the n-dimensional hypercube. The proof we will
present is a simplified version of the proof given by Bernardi.
2:00pm - 3:00pm
Ramanujan Hall
Spekar: Viji Z. Thomas, IISER Thiruvananthapuram
TITLE:* Schur Multiplier and Bogomolov Multiplier.
*Abstract*: We will prove that the second stable homotopy group of the
Eilenberg Maclane space is completely determined by the Schur multiplier.
Then we will discuss about the Schur multipliers of Noetherian groups. Time
permitting, we will also discuss Noether's Rationality problem. All of the
above will be shown as an application of a group theoretical construction.