Title : Some Structures on Principal Lie 2-group Bundles over Lie Groupoid
Time: 11:30- 12:30
Venue: Ramanujan Hall
Abstract : There are several equivalent ways to define the notion of
connection on a principal Lie group bundle over a manifold. One such
definition involves the splitting of the so called Atiyah sequence. For a
principal bundle E over M, the Atiyah sequence is a short exact sequence
of vector bundles over the manifold M. Motivated by this idea, we define
the notion of a Atiyah sequence for a principal Lie 2-group bundle over a
Lie groupoid. Using that, we define some geometric structures on principal
Lie 2-group bundles over Lie groupoid.
This talk is based on recently accepted joint work with Saikat Chatterjee
and Aditya Chaudhuri.
First 40 minutes of the talk is expected to be accessible to M.Sc students.