Special Seminar on Mathematical Modelling
Date & Time: 1st November 2022, Tuesday; 4-5 pm Venue: Ramanujan Hall
Mathematical modelling in infectious disease epidemiology: a highly selective overview
Mathematical modelling has played an increasingly important role in public health responses to infectious diseases. As with any modelling efforts, the development and use of models always need to be accompanied by a careful understanding of the strengths and limitations of models. In this talk, I will give an entirely personal view of how mathematical modelling has developed in recent years, with a focus on its applied use in public health decision-making. As well as a rapid introduction to modern modelling techniques, topics will include HIV, human tuberculosis and COVID-19.
About the Speaker:
Nim Arinaminpathy is a Professor of Mathematical Epidemiology at Imperial College London. In his research, he applies mathematical modelling to study the spread and control of infectious diseases, with a focus on human tuberculosis (TB). He works closely with national TB programmes in high-burden countries, particularly India. He also works with the WHO South-East Asian Regional Office (SEAR) on TB control priorities for the region and serves on the WHO Strategic and Technical Advisory Group for TB. Additionally, since 2020 he has worked closely with the Indian Council of Medical Research, providing advice in support of the COVID-19 response in India.