Virtual Commutative algebra seminars Speaker: Vivek Sadhu, IISER Bhopal Date/Time: 4 November 2022, 5:30pm Gmeet link: [1] Title: Injectivity of Brauer groups for valuation rings Abstract: In the nonnoetherian situation, valuation rings often behave like regular rings. We will discuss several such results which are classically known to be true for regular rings, but also true for valuation rings. We then focus on Brauer groups. It is well known that Br(R) injects into Br(K) provided R is a regular domain and K=qt(R). We observe that the same is true for valuation rings. In fact, we will discuss a more general result in the setting of e'tale cohomology. For more information and links to lecture notes and videos of previous seminars, visit the website of VCAS: [2] Links: ------ [1] [2]