Title. A geometric proof of Minkowski inequality (Teissier's
Conjecture), and related results.
Abstract. Using resolution of singularity we will give a geometric proof of
Teissier's Conjecture about the multiplicity of the product of two ideals.
A stronger form of this proved in Jugal Verma's lecture will also be
proved. We will also give a short proof of C.P.Ramanujam's geometric
interpretation of the multiplicity of a local ring.
Ramanujan Hall
Number Theory Seminar
Speaker: Vincent Sécherre, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin
Date & Time: Tuesday, January 30, 14:30-15:30.
Venue: Ramanujan Hall
Title: Supercuspidal representations of GL(n,K) distinguished by GL(n,F),
with K/F a quadratic extension of p-adic fields.
Abstract: Let p be an odd prime number and K/F be a quadratic extension of
p-adic fields. Say that an irreducible representation of GL(n,K) is
distinguished by GL(n,F) if its vector space carries a GL(n,F)-invariant
nonzero linear form. Any distinguished representation is isomorphic to the
contragredient of its Gal(K/F)-conjugate, but the converse is not true. We
will explain how to canonically associate to any
Gal(K/F)-selfcontragredient supercuspidal representation of GL(n,K) a
finite tamely ramified extension T of F and a character of the
multiplicative group of T, by using Bushnell-Kutzko’s theory of types, and
how to get a necessary and sufficient condition on this character for this
supercuspidal representation to be distinguished.
Ramanujan Hall
Title: Statistical approaches for studies of human microbiome
Speaker: Dr. Siddhartha Mandal
Research Scientist (Biostatistics)
Public Health Foundation of India
Gurgaon, India
Venue: Ramanujan Hall
Date: 01/02/2018
Time: 4:30 p.m. -- 5:30 p.m.
abstract is attached.
The speaker is a faculty candidate, and the talk is over Skype.