8:00am |
9:00am |
[9:30am] Kriti Goel
- Description:
- Title: Huneke-Itoh Intersection Theorem and its Consequences - I
Abstract: Huneke and Itoh independently proved a celebrated result on
integral closure of powers of an ideal generated by a regular sequence. As
a consequence of this theorem, one can find the Hilbert-Samuel polynomial
of the integral closure filtration of I if the normal reduction number is
at most 2. We prove Hong and Ulrich's version of the intersection theorem.
[10:30am] Jai Laxmi
- Description:
- Title: Tate Resolutions - III
Abstract: Let S be a Noetherian ring, and R = S/I. It is always possible
to construct a differential graded algebra (DG-algebra) resolution of R
over S due to a result of Tate. If R is the residue field of S, then
Gulliksen proved that such a DG-algebra resolution is minimal. We shall
discuss the construction of the Tate resolution in our talk.
10:00am |
11:00am |
12:00pm |
1:00pm |
2:00pm |
[2:30pm] Nagarjuna Chary
- Description:
- Title: Local Fields
Speaker: Nagarjuna Chary
Venue (tentative): Room 216, Department of Mathematics
Abstract: We will continue with the material in Chapter 1 in Cassels and
3:00pm |
4:00pm |
5:00pm |
6:00pm |