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[4:00pm] Nitin Nitsure
- Description:
- Lecture 1: Monday July 6th, 2020, from 4 pm to 5:30 pm (joining time 3:45pm)
Title: Functorial Geometry and Moduli Spaces
Google Meet Link: https://meet.google.com/wnv-gzos-zga
Abstract: This lecture will introduce some basic concepts of functorial
algebraic geometry following Grothendieck, including flat descent and
representability of functors. A quick introduction will be given to the
moduli problem for vector bundles on curves, and their moduli spaces.
Preparatory reading: An account of the basics of holomorphic vector
bundles on compact Riemann surfaces is available in the 2007 ATM School
lecture notes of Nitsure, which can be downloaded from
5:00pm |
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