Abstract : We will discuss the construction of the Picard scheme of a
smooth projective curve over a separably closed field.
We will attempt to make the material as accessible as possible.
Speaker: Dr. Sugata Mondal
Time: 9 May, Monday, 4pm
Venue: Room 114
Title: Hot spots and other stories.
Abstract: The hottest and coldest points on an insulated metal plate are
called the`hot spots' for the plate. Physical intuition says that these
points should go off to the boundary of the plate as time goes to
infinity. In this talk I will discuss this problem and give a precise
mathematical formulation in terms of solutions of some PDE. I will then
try to give a brief history of the known results.
Room 216, Mathematics Department
Speaker: Madhusudan Manjunath.
Venue: Room 216, Maths.
Time: 5:30 pm, Thursday, May 12.
Title: Combinatorial Brill-Noether theory, Lattices and Polyhedra.
Abstract: We will discuss combinatorial analogues of Brill-Noether theory
and an approach via lattices and polyhedra to study related conjectures.
2:30pm - 4:00pm
Ramanujan Hall, Department of Mathematics
DDT: Tuesday, 17th May, 2:30 pm – 4 pm
Venue : Ramanujan hall (tentative), Department of mathematics.
Title: Bezout's Theorem
Abstract: Named after Étienne Bézout, The Bezout's Theorem states that in
the Complex Projective Plane two polynomials curves(without any common
factors) intetsect at atmost mn points(counting multiplicity), where m, n
are the degrees of the two polynomials.
To prove this result, we will see basics of Algebraic Geometry and/or
Projective Geometry.
We have now a dedicated website where one can find the notes and resources
from the past meets and announcements of the upcoming meetings:
The next two weeks (i.e week starting from 23rd of May) there will be
another ATM school on `Representations of p-adic groups' happening at IIT
For the same, we will not have talks in our seminar during this period.
Speaker: Dr. Rajiv Kumar, IIT Jammu
Date and Time: Thursday, 19th May, 2022, 11:30 - 12:30
Venue: Ramanujan Hall
Title: Powers of vertex cover ideals
Abstract: Let $S=k[x_1,..., x_n]$ be a polynomial ring, where $k$ is a
field, and $G$ be a simple graph on $n$ vertices. In 2011, Herzog, Hibi
and Ohsugi had conjectured that all powers of vertex cover ideals of a
chordal graph are componentwise linear. In the talk, we discuss the
conjecture for trees.
Ramanujan Hall, Department of Mathematics
Speaker: Krishnendu Gangopadhyay.
Affiliation: IISER Mohali.
Date: Tuesday, 24 May 2022 at 5.30 pm.
Venue: Ramanujan Hall.
Title: Reversibility and adjoint orbits in special linear groups.
Abstract: The intuitive notion of reversible elements in classical
geometries can be expressed in the language of group theory as elements
conjugate to their own inverses. It is closely related to those elements
in a group which are products of two order two elements, i.e.
`bireflectional'. For a Lie group, we introduced an infinitesimal notion
of these notions using the adjoint representation of a Lie group. In this
talk after giving an overview of these notions, we shall discuss the
classification of the infinitesimal reversibility in special linear
groups. This is based on joint work with Tejbir Lohan and Chandan Maity.