Venue : Ramanujan hall (tentative), Department of mathematics.
Title: Bezout's Theorem
Abstract: Named after Étienne Bézout, The Bezout's Theorem states that in
the Complex Projective Plane two polynomials curves(without any common
factors) intetsect at atmost mn points(counting multiplicity), where m, n
are the degrees of the two polynomials.
To prove this result, we will see basics of Algebraic Geometry and/or
Projective Geometry.
We have now a dedicated website where one can find the notes and resources
from the past meets and announcements of the upcoming meetings:
The next two weeks (i.e week starting from 23rd of May) there will be
another ATM school on `Representations of p-adic groups' happening at IIT
For the same, we will not have talks in our seminar during this period.
Speaker: Dr. Rajiv Kumar, IIT Jammu
Date and Time: Thursday, 19th May, 2022, 11:30 - 12:30
Venue: Ramanujan Hall
Title: Powers of vertex cover ideals
Abstract: Let $S=k[x_1,..., x_n]$ be a polynomial ring, where $k$ is a
field, and $G$ be a simple graph on $n$ vertices. In 2011, Herzog, Hibi
and Ohsugi had conjectured that all powers of vertex cover ideals of a
chordal graph are componentwise linear. In the talk, we discuss the
conjecture for trees.