This week we will have Sudarshan Gurjar speaking on the `Representation theory and Algebraic Geometry' reading seminar group. Note that this will be an on campus meeting and not an online meet.
Here are the details:
DDT: Thursday, 10th March, 2:30 – 3:45 pm
Venue : Ramanujan Hall, Department of mathematics.
Title : Introduction to Lie group representations
Abstract: In the first of the two talks that I will give, I will introduce representations of Lie groups and prove a few basic properties of them. This will prepare ground for the Peter Weyl theorem to be discussed in the second lecture.
We have now a dedicated website where one can find the notes and resources from the past meets and announcements of the upcoming meetings:
Date : March 11, Friday
Time : 11:30-12:30
Link :
Title: Asymptotic behaviour of certain length functions.
Abstract: The notion of epsilon multiplicity was originally defined by B.
Ulrich and J. Validashti as a limsup and they used it to detect integral
dependence of modules. It is important to know if the limsup can be
replaced by a limit. In this talk we shall see that the relative epsilon
multiplicity of reduced standard graded algebras over an excellent local
ring exists as a limit. However, the associated length function can be
quite complicated. We explore certain situations when the symbolic (multi)
Rees algebra is finitely generated. In such cases, the associated
(multigraded) length function exhibits polynomial-like behaviour.
Speaker: Craig Huneke, University of Virginia, USA.
Date/Time: 11 March 2022, 6:30pm IST/ 1:00pm GMT / 8:00am ET (joining time
6:15pm IST).
Title: Torsion in Commutative Algebra.
Abstract: This talk will be a somewhat historical one, concerning three
problems dealing with the idea of torsion. The three problems are those on
symbolic powers, the Huneke-Wiegand conjecture, and Berger's conjecture.
Besides talking about my own memories, we will focus on torsion in tensor
For more information and links to previous seminars, visit the website of