Location: VMCC, Lecture Hall No: 33, Third Floor
Date: 16 March 2022
Time: 4:15 PM
Speaker: Prof. Jugal K. Verma, Department of Mathematics
Recipient of Prof. S.C. Bhattacharya Award for Excellence in Pure Sciences
Title: Multivariate Polynomial Equations and Mixed Volumes of Newton Polytopes
DDT: Thursday, 17th March, 2:30 – 3:45 pm
Venue : Ramanujan Hall, Department of mathematics.
Title : Introduction to Lie group representations
Abstract: In the first of the two talks that I will give, I will introduce representations of Lie groups and prove a few basic properties of them. This will prepare ground for the Peter Weyl theorem to be discussed in the second lecture.
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Time: March 17, Thursday, 5:00 pm (Indian Standard Time)
Title: Spectral gap bounds for the simplicial Laplacian and an application
to random complexes
Abstract: Let L(G) denotes the Laplacian of a graph G. The second smallest
eigenvalue of L(G) is called the spectral gap. In this talk, we discuss
two spectral gap bounds for the reduced Laplacian of a simplicial complex.
As an application we prove that, if the spectral gap of the Laplacian of
skeleton of a simplicial complex is enough large, then its co-homology
vanishes up to certain dimensions. We also see an application of these
results in certain random complexes. This is a joint work with D.
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