Speaker : Husney Parvez Sarwar (IIT Kharagpur)
Date : 27th December, 11:30-12:30
Venue : Ramanujan Hall.
Abstract. We shall discuss the cancellation of symplectic modules and the
splitting of symplectic modules.
The symplectic cancellation can be thought of as a projective module
cancellation which is a recent result of Fasel.
The symplectic splitting is similar to Murthy's splitting theorem.
To prove the cancellation and splitting, we shall carefully analyze the
Postnikov tower in the A^1 homotopy category
Then we shall prove the vanishing of top cohomology with coefficients in
some homotopy sheaf.
As an another application of the vanishing result, we answer partially a
question of Mrinal Das about
the isomorphism of (d-1)-th Euler class group and (d-1)-th Chow group.
This is based on a joint work with Rakesh Pawar.
Algebraic Groups seminar
Thursday, 28 December 2023, 4 pm
Venue: Ramanujan Hall
Host: Shripad Garge
Speaker: Chayan Karmakar
Affiliation: IIT Bombay
Title: Differentials & Smooth Points - IV
Abstract: We study the notion of Lie algebra of a linear algebraic group.
Speaker : Husney Parvez Sarwar (IIT Kharagpur)
Date/ Time : 29th December, 11:30-12:30
Venue : Ramanujan Hall
Abstract : We improve the homology stability range for the 3rd integral
ho mology of symplectic groups over commutative local rings with infinite
residue field. As an application, we show that for local commutative rings
containing an infinite field of characteristic not 2 the symbol map from
Milnor-Witt K-theory to higher Grothendieck-Witt groups is an isomorphism
in degrees