Sponsored Research Projects

  1. Sponsoring Agency: Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi.

    Title of the Project: Doing Industrial Mathematics via Genetic Algorithms (GA.s), Differential Algebraic Equations (DAE), On - line Optimization, Computer Aided Geometric Design (CAGD), Market Forecasting.

    Amount of Grant: Rs. 21.17 lacs

    Period: 3 years (1998 - 2001)

    Co-investigators: Prof. M. C. Joshi, Prof. A. K. Pani, Prof. Ranjan Malik, Prof. K. Moudgalya, Prof. Sachin Patkar, Dr. Chitra Lele*.
    (*) Dr. Lele and I worked on Market Forecasting component of this project.
  2. Sponsoring Agency: Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi.

    Title of the Project: Study of Optimal Reliability Test Plans.

    Amount of Grant: Rs. 6.43 lacs

    Period: 3 years (2002 - 2005)