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[3:00pm] Dr. Manas Kar
- Description:
- Speaker: Dr. Manas Kar
Date & Time: 17th January 2018, 3pm
Venue: Ramanujan Hall
Title: Inverse problems for reconstructing inclusion and identifying
unknown parameter.
Abstract: In general, inverse problems are those where one needs to
recover the
unknown parameter of a system from the knowledge of the external
observation. In
this talk, I will mainly give an overview of Calder\'on’s inverse problems
in several linear and nonlinear partial differential equations. I will
discuss two
different kinds of inverse problems for the Maxwell system and p-Laplace
One is the parameter identification problems and another one is the shape
reconstruction issues. In particular, I will concentrate on the problem of
determining the conductivity of a medium and the shape of an inclusion
from the
knowledge of boundary voltage or current measurements.
4:00pm |
[4:00pm] Mathematics Colloquium
- Description:
- Mathematics Colloquium
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Kishore Marathe
Date & Time: 17th January 2018, 4pm
Venue: Ramanujan Hall
Title: From Moonshine to Mock Moonshine
Abstract : We begin with a review of moonshine for sporadic groups
indicating the
status of this active new area of research which intersects several fields
in mathematics
and theoretical physics. We then discuuss the relation of black hole
quantum gravity and
mock modular forms originally introduced as mock theta functions by
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