Wed, January 24, 2018
Public Access

Category: All

January 2018
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2:00pm [2:30pm] Dr. Mechthild Koreuber, Chief Gender Equality Officer, Freie Universitat, Berlin
Title: Emmy Noether (1882-1935), the Noether School and the Change of Mathematical Thinking: About “modernization” and “algebraization”. Abstract: attached. Date & Time: 24 January 2018, 2:30pm Venue: Ramanujan Hall

4:00pm [4:00pm] Mathematics Colloquium
Mathematics Colloquium Speaker: Prof. Peter Beelen, Technical University of Denmark Title: A new family of maximal curves. Day, Date and Time: Wednesday, 24th January 2018, 4 PM Venue: Ramanujan Hall Abstract: Let C be an algebraic curve defined over a finite field with q elements. The Hasse-Weil bound gives an upper bound on the number of rational points on C. An algebraic curve is called maximal if this upper bound is attained. On of the most important examples of a maximal curve is the Hermitian curve, which can be defined by the equation x^q+x=y^(q+1) over the field GF(q^2) with q^2 elements. It has genus q(q-1)/2 and it is not hard to show that any maximal curve over GF(q^2) has genus at most q(q-1)/2. One of the main open problems in this area is to classify (the genera of) all maximal curves for a given finite field GF(q^2). In a recent work together with Maria Montanucci, a new family of maximal curves was discovered. In this talk I will give an introduction to the topic as well as present this new family of curves.
