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[6:30pm] Madhav Nori, University of Chicago
- Description:
- Date and Time: 19 June 2020, 6:30 pm IST - 7:30 pm IST (joining time :
6:15 pm IST - 6:30 pm IST)
Google meet link: https://meet.google.com/gkc-hydx-fkn
Speaker: Madhav Nori, University of Chicago.
Title: Intersection multiplicities.
Abstract: Bezout's theorem states that projective curves of degrees a and
b meet in ab points if ''counted properly''. The correct number to count
at a point of intersection is the intersection-multiplicity defined in
Serre's book ''Local Algebra and Intersection-Multiplicity''. The talk,
meant for graduate students, will be an introduction to the subject. The
definitions will be looked at from various angles. This will be followed
by a report on the progress towards Serre's conjectures.
7:00pm |