Lecture series on Hodge Theory
Wednesday and Thursday, 11.30 am
Venue: Ramanujan Hall
Host: Sudarshan Gurjar
Speaker: V. Srinivas, IIT Bombay
Title: Hodge Theory
Abstract: These are part of an ongoing series of lectures on the basics of Hodge theory. The next two lectures will discuss the Kahler condition, and its consequences (Kahler identities etc.).
IITB Analysis Seminar
Wednesday, 4 Oct, 2 pm - 3 pm
Venue: Ramanujan Hall
Host: Chandan Biswas
Abstract: This is the organizational meeting for the regular analysis (PDE, Harmonic analysis, Operator theory, Probability) seminar in the department. The goal of this meeting is to discuss a possible schedule (day of the week and time of the talks) and if possible, a list of upcoming speakers.