Annual Progress Seminar |
Date |
Monday, 26 Feb, 9.30 am |
Venue |
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/6950684207?pwd=VkNmYzFBd0c0QWx3azhJODJ0QUp1Zz09 |
Zoom ID :6950684207 Passcode : 802747 |
Host |
Neela Nataraj |
speaker |
Aamir Yousuf |
Affiliation |
IIT Bombay, Monash Univ. |
Title |
Semi and fully discrete analysis of lowest-order non-standard finite element methods for the biharmonic wave problem. |
Abstract: The lowest-order nonstandard finite element schemes namely Morley, discontinuous Galerkin, and 𝐶0-interior penalty methods are presented for numerical discretization of the biharmonic wave equation with clamped boundary conditions in a unified framework. The regularity results we presented ensure the boundedness of various norms for the different derivatives of the continuous solution required in the error analysis. Stability results are obtained for both semidiscrete and fully discrete (implicit and explicit) schemes. A novel Ritz projection operator is used to obtain the error estimates. The expected convergence rates are confirmed by the numerical results, highlighting the versatility of the methods.
Annual Progress Seminar |
Date |
26 Feb, Monday, 4 pm |
Venue |
Room 114 |
Host |
Shripad Garge |
speaker |
Deep Makadiya |
Affiliation |
IIT Bombay |
Title |
Twisted Chevalley groups over commutative rings |
Abstract |
We discuss some results on the structure of twisted Chevalley groups over commutative rings with 1. |