Title : Some Structures on Principal Lie 2-group Bundles over Lie Groupoid
Time: 11:30- 12:30
Venue: Ramanujan Hall
Abstract : There are several equivalent ways to define the notion of
connection on a principal Lie group bundle over a manifold. One such
definition involves the splitting of the so called Atiyah sequence. For a
principal bundle E over M, the Atiyah sequence is a short exact sequence
of vector bundles over the manifold M. Motivated by this idea, we define
the notion of a Atiyah sequence for a principal Lie 2-group bundle over a
Lie groupoid. Using that, we define some geometric structures on principal
Lie 2-group bundles over Lie groupoid.
This talk is based on recently accepted joint work with Saikat Chatterjee
and Aditya Chaudhuri. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomphys.2022.104509
First 40 minutes of the talk is expected to be accessible to M.Sc students.
Representation theory and Algebraic Geometry'
Speaker: Ankit Rai
DDT: Thursday, 31st March, 2:30 – 3:45 pm
Venue : Ramanujan Hall, Department of mathematics.
Title : Tannakian categories and some applications.
Abstract : There is a classical result of Tannaka which provides a way to
reconstruct compact Lie groups from the category of its finite dimensional
representations. Later, Grothendieck and Saavedra developed the so-called
Tannakian formalism which allows for an extension of the above result in
the context of algebraic groups. In the two talks I shall give a short
introduction to Tannakian formalism and discuss a few applications.
In the two talks I shall give a short introduction to Tannakian formalism
and discuss a few applications.
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