Lecture series in algebraic geometry Introduction to Hodge Theory --------------------------------------------- Wednesday, 9 August, 11.30--1.00 Thursday, 10 August, 11.30-1.00 ---------------------------------------------- Venue: Ramanujan Hall Host: Sudarshan Gurjar Abstract: This is the first lecture of a semester course of lectures on Hodge Theory
Lecture series in algebraic geometry Algebraic Stacks Thursday, 10 August, 2.30-4.00 pm --------------------------------------------- Venue : Ramanujan Hall Host: Sudarshan Gurjar Speaker: Nitin Nitsure, TIFR, Mumbai (retd) Abstract: I deliver a course of lectures on Algebraic Stacks .The tentative plan is to cover the first 100 pages or so of `Champs Algebriques' by Laumon and Moret-Bailly, which is the standard reference for the subject. Examples, definitions, and statements of results will be discussed in detail, and proofs of the main theorems will be sketched, focusing on the key ideas.
Topology and Related Topics Seminar
Thursday, 10 August 2023, 2.30 -3:45 pm
Venue: Room 215
Host: Rekha Santhanam
Speaker: Sahin Mandal
Affiliation: IIT Bombay
Title: Vector Bundles and their Classification-1
Abstract: In this talk, we define vector bundles and discuss some examples. We then talk about Stiefel and Grassmanian manifolds and explain how to construct new vector bundles from the old ones. Later we will talk about the classification of vector bundles in which will see how homotopy maps behave and construct the universal vector bundle.