Geometry and Topology Seminars - 2015

Date Speaker and Affiliation Title of the Talk (Click on title to view abstract)
10/08/2015 Ramesh K., ISI Kolkata

The classification of smooth structures on the complex projective space

classification of smooth structures on the complex projective space

10/08/2015 Sayani Bera, IISc Bangalore

Dynamics of semigroups of entire maps in C^k

We study some properties of Fatou and Julia sets for a family of holomorphic endomorphisms of C^k, k >1. In particular, the family we consider is a semigroup generated by various classes of holomorphic endomorphisms of C^k. Here we generalize a result from the dynamics of the iterates single holomorphic function in C^k, which was proved by Fornaess-Sibony(1998). Also we define recurrent Fatou components in this setup and give a classification result.

21/08/2015 Pankaj Vishe, University of York

Inhomogeneous multiplicative Littlewood conjecture and logarithmic savings

We use the dynamics on SL(3,R)/SL(3,Z) to get logarithmic savings in the inhomogeneous multiplicative Littlewood setting. This is a joint work with Alex Gorodnik.

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