Preprints and publications:

W-hypercontractions and their model (with M. Bhattacharjee, R. Debnath and S. Panja).

Distinguished varieties and the Nevanlinna-Pick problem on the symmetrized bidisk (with P. Kumar and H. Sau).

Toeplitz operators and Hilbert modules on the symmetrized polydisc (with T. Bhattacharyya and H. Sau).

Beurling quotient modules on the polydisc (with M. Bhattacharjee, R. Debnath and J. Sarkar). Journal of Functional Analysis. 282 (2022), no. 1, Paper No. 109258, 18 pp.

Isometric dilations of commuting contractions and Brehmer positivity (with S. Barik). Complex Analysis and Operator Theory (to appear).

Commutant lifting in several varibles (with S. Barik and M. Bhattacharjee). Journal of Operator Theory (to appear).

Isometric dilations and von Neumann inequality for finite rank commuting contractions (with S. Barik and J. Sarkar). Bull. Sci. Math. 165 (2020), 102915, 25 pp.

Factors of hypercontractions (with M. Bhattacherjee). Journal of Operator Theory 85 (2021), no. 2, 443–462.

Toeplitz operators and pseudo-extensions (with T. Bhattacharyya and H. Sau)

Hypercontractions and factorizations of multipliers in one and several variables (with M. Bhattacharjee and J. Sarkar). Journal of Operator Theory (to appear).

Algebraic properties of Toeplitz operators on the symmetrized polydisk (with H. Sau). Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 15 (2021), no. 3, Paper No. 60, 28 pp.

On certain commuting isometries, joint invariant subspaces and C*-algebras (with R. Debnath and J. Sarkar). Proceedings of IWOTA 2018 (Ron Douglas Memorial Volume).

Toeplitz operators on the symmetrized bidisc (with T. Bhattacharyya and H. Sau). International Mathematics Research Notices IMRN 2021, no. 11, 8492–8520.

Isometric dilations and von Neumann inequality for a class of tuples in the polydisc (with S. Barik, K. Haria and J. Sarkar). Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 372 (2019), 1429 - 1450.

On Quotient modules of H2(Dn): Essential Normality and Boundary Representations (with S. Gorai and J. Sarkar). Proceedings A of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 150 (2020), no. 3, 1339–1359.

Rank of a co-doubly commuting submodule is 2 (with A. Chattopadhyay and J. Sarkar). Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 146 (2018), 1181 - 1187.

Factorizations of contractions (with J. Sarkar and S. Sarkar). Advances in Mathematics 322 (2017), 186 - 200.

Ando dilations, von Neumann inequality, and distinguished varieties (with J. Sarkar). Journal of Functional Analysis 272 (2017), 2114 - 2131.

Quantum stochastic analysis on operator space (with J.M. Lindsay).

Inner multipliers and Rudin type invariant subspaces (with A. Chattopadhyay and J. Sarkar). Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged). 82 (2016), 519 - 528.

Quantum random walk approximation in Banach algebra (with J. M. Lindsay) Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 430 (2015), 465 - 482.

Rudin's Submodules of H2(D2) (with J. Sarkar) C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 353 (2015), 51 - 55.

Star-Generating Vectors of Rudin's Quotient Modules (with A. Chattopadhyay and J. Sarkar) Journal of Functional Analysis 267 (2014), 4341-4360.

Tensor product of quotient Hilbert modules (with A. Chattopadhyay and J. Sarkar) Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 424 (2015), 727 - 747.

Wandering subspaces of the Bergman space and the Dirichlet space over polydisc (with A. Chattopadhyay, J. Sarkar and S. Sarkar) Integral Equations Operator Theory 79 (2014), 567 - 577.

Maximal contractive tuples (with J. Sarkar and S. Sarkar) Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 8 (2014), 1325 - 1339.

Sesquilinear quantum stochastic analysis in Banach space (with J.M. Lindsay and O. Tripak) Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 409 (2014), 1032 - 1051.

Elementary evolution in Banach algebra (with J.M. Lindsay) Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society 28 (2013), 483 - 497.

The defect sequence for contractive tuples (with T. Bhattacharyya and S. Sarkar) Linear Algebra and its Applications 438 (2013), 315 - 330.

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