Integrated M.Sc. Programme

The 5 year integrated M.Sc. programme in Mathematics is available to students at IIT Bombay who have completed at least one year of their undergraduate studies. Students can request for a change to this programme to the Department of Mathematics at the end of their first year, after securing permission from their parent department. Students wishing to switch branches after the second year must have done sufficiently many mathematics courses during their second year. The applications for those wishing to enter this programme are reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Department of Mathematics and forwarded with a suitable recommendation to the Dean of Academic Programmes.

The programme offers rigorous coursework ensuring a strong foundational base. In addition to a number of "core" basic courses, students are required to complete at least nine elective courses and are encouraged to take at least a few advanced courses at the Ph.D. level. Students must also register for a fifth year project which allow them to explore an individual area of their choice in greater depth.

Though the numbers enrolling in this programme have been small, the students are highly motivated and have been very successful. All the students who have graduated have gone on to pursue doctorates in mathematics at some of the most prestigious universities in the world. While the students so far have largely been academically inclined, the coursework potentially equips them with a wide range of skills suitable for employment outside of academia as well.

The curriculum can be found here.