IITB Logo  श्रीपाद म. गर्गॆ (Shripad M. Garge) 


  Hello and a warm welcome to my webpage!!

I am an Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics, IIT Bombay.

Click on the following links to know more.

Contact information:

104 - E, Department of Mathematics,
Indian Institute of Technology,
Powai, Mumbai, 400 076.
    +91-22-2576-7473 (O)
+91-22-2576-8473 (R)
shripad at math.iitb.ac.in
smgarge at gmail.com
    This is how one gets to IITB campus and here is a campus map where mathematics department is at number 17, a prime of the form $n^2 + 1$ (wiki, OEIS).

  • My cv.

  • This semester I am teaching two courses, MA521: Theory of analytic functions and MA841: Topics in Algebra - I.

Mathematical interests:


A description of my research:

Slides of some talks:

Professional experience:

My genealogy tree:

Last modified: Thu Jul 16 16:47:30 IST 2015