Doctoral Alumni

# Name Year Supervisor Thesis Title
209 Vivek Sinha 2007 Prof. Rana I.K. Fubini Type Theorems for the BV Integral
208 Vivek Vijay 2007 Prof. Vellaisamy P. Log-Linear Modeling and Collapsibility Results for Contingency Tables and Regression Models
207 Thirupathi Gudi 2007 Prof. Pani A.K., Prof. Nataraj Neela Discontinuous Golerkin Methods for Nonlinear Elliptic Problems
206 Mahesh Kumar 2005 Prof. Vellaisamy P. Some Contributions to Component Reliability Estimation and Test Plans.
205 Nair Hariharan J. 2004 Prof. Sabnis S.V. A Study of Reliability Test Plans.
204 Palla Danumjaya 2005 Prof. Pani A.K. Finite Element Methods for the Extended Fisher-Kolmogorov (EFK) Equation.
203 Rajan Arora 2005 Prof. Sharma V.D. Propagation of Shock Waves in Gaseous Media.
202 Amitava Bhattacharya 2005 Prof. Srinivasan M.K.,Prof. N.M. Singhi Some Problems in Combinatorics
201 (Ms) Shah HemangiMadhusudan 2002 Prof. Ranjan Akhil Geometry of noncompact harmonic manifolds
200 (Ms) MadhumitaMajumder 2003 Prof. Sharma V.D. Nonlinear wave propagation problems in gaseous media
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